Category: Product Info

Karl Frenz

IntelliPERMIT Competencies

IntelliPERMIT handles the management and control of competencies and other pre-requisites like medical certificates for each person involved in preparing, accepting or working under a permit.

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Permit to Work
Henry Boshoff

Job Risk Assessments

The job risk assessment (JRA) is a structured methodology that looks at the steps that will be needed to complete the job, the specific hazards associated with each step, the associated risks and the controls necessary to work safely.

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Eugene Lategan

Energy Isolation

To prevent accidents all equipment being worked on needs to be isolated from any potential energy source that could cause harm.

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Product Info
Hawa Mirza

IntelliPERMIT V10.1 Video Series

IntelliPERMIT Version 10.1 is now available! Check out this series of videos highlighting some of the new features. Also, remember to check out our short recorded webinar on the latest update.

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