OpSUITE Operational Requests

Manage operational requests and the follow-up activities
Sometimes it is necessary to keep a separate record of requests to operations. These requests fall outside the scope of specific instructions recorded in the plant log. Requests might be for a plant trial, a change in operating parameters, production rate changes, production schedule updates and more. Depending on the organisations’ procedures, these requests need to be recorded and acknowledged by those responsible for execution.
OpSUITE Operational Requests is a simple to use digital system that manages ad-hoc, non-routine requests for teams on shift and tracks the status of follow up.

Control Room Solutions
Track requests from anywhere in the business
The easy-to-use web interface allows requests to be tracked from across the business, thereby ensuring an integrated approach.
The status of a request is tracked, from initial screening, approval, planning and execution.
Gather information regarding requests in one place
Information around specific requests is recorded in one place, allowing for better management of plant trials, changes to production parameters or other ad-hoc changes.

OpSUITE Operational Requests tracks requests from across the business in a single controlled system.
Requests are managed using a configurable workflow.

Operating requests are common in practice and often fall outside the scope of standard procedures. Besides requests originating from plant management, requests might arise from other business areas, for example, logistics, procurement, maintenance, research, engineering and others. Unless these requests are controlled in a proper system, they can soon result in conflicting operational decisions, lost information and uncoordinated activities. Companies that try to manage their requests using ad-hoc solutions like e-mail soon realise the need for a more robust and coordinated solution.
OpSUITE Operational Requests is a digital system for managing requests to operations teams that fall outside the definition of regular, routine operations.
OpSUITE Operational Requests is designed to work with other OpSUITE solutions for control rooms, for example, OpSUITE Logbook and OpSUITE Meeting Management.
Requests are controlled with a workflow process that ensures planning is done correctly and all work is authorised before making any changes to production or equipment or any other operation.