Mining Safety at African Mining Indaba 2018

Learn about Mining Safety with IntelliPERMIT at the African Mining Indaba 2018

Join IntelliPERMIT at the African Mining Indaba held in Cape Town 2018, for the continent’s largest gathering of mining companies, suppliers, investors and government mining representatives.

While the industry debates issues such as regulatory uncertainty, commodity price cycles and exploration opportunities; everyone seems to agree that mining safety remains a priority and there is no room for complacency.  Just days before the Indaba, 955 miners were rescued from 30 hours underground at Sibanye-Stillwaters Beatrix mine.  In an environment where capital expenditure is being curtailed, mining safety remains top of mind – accidents can result in loss of life, stoppages and ultimately the closure of a marginal mine. Checkout our Mining Safety Software for the ultimate safety in mining works.

The Industry’s “Zero Harm” programme in South Africa is chaired by Anglo-American Platinum CEO – Chris Griffith. Together with the Chamber of Mines, the industry is taking the safety drive very seriously. Roger Baxter of the Chamber reported that between 1994 and 2016 fatalities reduced from 650 to 74. But that is 74 too many.

The mine of the future is likely to see increased automation and significant changes in the nature of the workforce. Computerised safety management provides opportunities to leverage new digital technologies to reduce the risk of accidents. At the Indaba, Rio Tinto presented a compelling vision of the future of mining where digitisation is integral to the entire value chain and the likes of Google and Facebook will compete for the skills of mining professionals.

IntelliPERMIT is successfully being used by many of the world’s mining and resource companies of all sizes, located in resource-rich areas within Africa and Australia.  The system has been proven in some of the world’s most remote and hostile regions.

IntelliPERMIT is a computer-based system that improves safety through managing the permit to work, risk assessments, contractor competencies and isolations. IntelliPERMIT has been successfully implemented and supported in open cast and surface operations, as well as refining operations, smelting and metals processing plants.  Implementing IntelliPERMIT is a practical step towards the digitisation of the safety management processes in any mine.

Mining leadership is facing many challenges and safety is one very important measure of performance. IntelliPERMIT enables leaders to effectively delegate routine safety tasks to a reliable proven system and focus on the exceptions. Implementation of IntelliPERMIT in a mining operation has many benefits including increased safety awareness, improved disciplines and increased productivity.

For more information on IntelliPERMIT in mining,  contact the team at Adapt IT.

Learn About Mining Safety With Intellipermit At The African Mining Indaba 2018
Scott Bredin and Richard Msweli from Adapt IT Mining and Manufacturing at Mining Indaba 2018
Picture of Scott Bredin
Scott Bredin
Scott has 25 years of experience in operational risk and control of work systems: developing, implementing and envisioning the future of these systems. Scott is passionate about using technology to keep people safe in complex and hazardous operational environments. 

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