Information Security Management System Certification

As industrial companies become more connected, they become increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks. To benefit from being connected to the rest of the world, they must also closely manage their information security risks. 

Addressing cyber security is a top priority in industrial plants where the impact of a security incident can result in loss or damage to valuable equipment and even harm people and the environment. The digital transformation of the connected enterprise is adding risk to both traditional IT (information technology) and OT (operational technology),  both within the factory and beyond its boundaries.

To help control the new risks, all suppliers of software systems to industrial users must meet a minimum standard in managing information security. The ISO27001:2013 standard for information security can play an essential role in independently assessing the ability of a supplier to provide secure,  high integrity and available systems on which a business can rely.

The ISO27001 standard is a recognised certification applying to information security. The standard provides a framework for managing, measuring and improving information security. It is based on three principles: confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

Software suppliers that meet the requirements of ISO27001 have demonstrated that they have implemented an information security management system within their organisation that will help mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks and associated loss. 

Adapt IT Manufacturing Division has been independently audited by BSI (British Standards Institute) and certified as meeting the requirement of the ISO27001:2013 standard. The exhaustive audit examined all aspects of the information management systems within the Division, including top management commitment, the strategic plan, information management policies, the management of risk, control measures and a continuous improvement process.

“Through this certification,  we can demonstrate to our customers that we take information security seriously in the way we develop, implement and support our software solutions”, comments Scott Bredin, Divisional Executive. “Many of our customers now require this of their critical system suppliers. Going forward, we are committed to a process of continuous improvement to ensure that we stay ahead of the ever-changing risk of cyber-security attacks”.

For more information

Adapt IT Manufacturing provides digital solutions that enhance safety performance and operational excellence to help industrial companies achieve more. 

For more information on Adapt IT Manufacturing solutions, please  contact the team.

Picture of Scott Bredin
Scott Bredin
Scott has 25 years of experience in operational risk and control of work systems: developing, implementing and envisioning the future of these systems. Scott is passionate about using technology to keep people safe in complex and hazardous operational environments. 

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