IntelliPERMIT Competencies
IntelliPERMIT handles the management and control of competencies and other pre-requisites like medical certificates for each person involved in preparing, accepting or working under a permit.
IntelliPERMIT handles the management and control of competencies and other pre-requisites like medical certificates for each person involved in preparing, accepting or working under a permit.
To prevent accidents all equipment being worked on needs to be isolated from any potential energy source that could cause harm.
In this overview, we will take a look at some of the principles around managing isolations during maintenance. Isolations are a critical precaution when working on energised plant and equipment.
[September 2020] Adapt IT is pleased to announce the general availability of a new IntelliPERMIT companion application for Android called “IntelliPERMIT Mobile“. The companion app
Is it possible to use IntelliPERMIT in combination with a DCS or PLC to manage isolations using software only? Read more about software assisted isolations.
During maintenance it is important to take every possible precaution to avoid loss or harm. One important precaution is to isolate all the equipment being worked on from uncontrolled energy sources. Positive isolation should be used where possible and controlled by a system of locks managed by the permit to work.
All too often the permit and isolations processes required for maintenance activities are regarded as wasteful expenditure of time and resources. We can however apply value stream mapping techniques to identify inefficiency throughout the work flow to ensure waste is eliminated.